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  • Writer's picturefrancesca derviso

Aligned is the new Hustle

Aligned is the new Hustle.

Hustle (n.) – Busy movement and activity.

Aligned(v.) – Coming together in alliance or agreement.

This two things go hand in hand for sure. However, now a days, there is a shift in this world that has awoken a lot of humans to the power of alignment. I can’t even tell you how relevant this is to my life right now. There have been so many moments in my life where I would do my best to hustle for money. Money was always that first thing on my mind.

I hated the fact that my stress with finances was the only motivation for me to hustle. I get it, we all need that green paper and those extra zeros in our account to live life comfortably. However, making my primary focus about the money is where I made my biggest mistakes. Killing myself over multiple jobs at a time…(jobs I did NOT enjoy for that matter)…and not enjoying the process of making money was so not fun.

I wasn’t looking deeper. I was making money the root to all my problems and the answer to all my problems at the same time. I worked over 60 hours and was able to pay my bills! YAY! but then I had no money for socializing & enjoying a night out with my friends because I was too worried about the $$$. It was a constant up and down roller coaster of emotion that was so unhealthy for the way I was living my life. I finally realized, that is not a way I want to live anymore.

When you come to realizations such as this, something in your mindset just switches. It’s hard to explain but it just does! It’s like the light switch has been flicked OFF this whole time & its just been too dark for you to really look & find that switch to turn on the light. Then, out of the blue…while you’re grazing your hand against the dark, blank wall, living blindly….there it was the whole time…the light switch & ‘FLICK’ you switch it on and WOAH do you finally see the real world around you!

That is how I see the first steps of alignment. The first moment of self development. That awakening you feel in yourself that you know you can do so much better. To do that, you need to look at yourself, on the inside. I started to realize that right now, no matter which way I looked at it, I needed those two jobs I was working. However, the difference was the way I started look at them. I no longer saw them as problems, I saw them as solutions. I started to enjoy the journey of working these jobs (that let me add, gave me the ability to make good money) and see them as my stepping stones to my true purpose.

Sure, this may not be exactly what I want to do with my life right now but, what about them is making it worth it? I took a step back and aligned myself with the lesson the universe was giving me. My lesson was to align myself with what I truly want, and enjoy the process of getting there. I needed to let go of this constant worry with my finances and just ride the wave the universe was trying to get me to catch. With this I learned that aligning myself with this path of letting life happen for me rather than to me, I know will lead to what I desire the most.

When you’re in alignment, you’re aligning yourself & your desires with the Universe (Source Energy, God, Good Vibrations…whatever you identify with the most). Instead of making the decision that everything is conspiring against you and you need to focus on one stressful thing to fix it all…(like money for instance). Focus on the simple fact of feeling good, enjoying the process, & making that connection to your future self & your desires.

Open your heart and your mind to what you truly want in life and let life happen for you not to you. If you want to make more money, enjoy the journey of the multiple jobs while you have them. Yeah, they may suck and you work your ass off trying to get to where you know you can be but, if you step back and come at it with a different perspective…a perspective of gratitude and alignment…you will enjoy it more.

Once you have made that connection from your heart and your mind, you become aligned. Let me tell you, it feels GOOD. It’s somewhat addicting! (hence the name, feel good junkie..haha) I don’t ever want to feel out of alignment. I don’t ever want to feel as if I’m broke, or I’m breaking my neck with all these jobs, or not in the right head space. When I’m in alignment with the universe and with myself, the universe will start to conspire things for me and shifts will begin to happen. Opportunities for more income will arise, everything just seems easier.

Don’t get me wrong, it takes some time. It takes time to unravel years of negative conditioning and to retrain yourself to act, think and feel, in more positive ways. However, sit back and tell yourself right here, right now, that the only decision that matters is the decision to FEEL GOOD.

Align yourself and find yourself hustling without even knowing it and racking in all the good things to push you towards your goals! Make that simple factor of feeling good reason enough for you to enjoy your journey and let life happen to you! Aligned is the new Hustle and you will align yourself to exactly where you want to be!

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