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  • Writer's picturefrancesca derviso

Checking in with you FIRST

I felt compelled to share a piece of information that I feel has been helping my own mindset lately.

Stop checking your emails and your social media first thing in the morning. When you wake up, that should be a time for yourself and your loved ones. Take those first few moments before getting out of bed to say to yourself at least 3 things you are grateful for, and set an intention for yourself for your day. Start off right away with a grateful and positive attitude.

We all fall victim to grabbing our phone the moments are eyes are peeled open, even myself. Try not to be tempted to do so and be corrupted by things you see going on in your world…challenge yourself this week….don’t get sucked through the black hole of social media where you may start to compare yourself to others, find things that you wish you had rather than being grateful for what you do have, start to feel stressed out and anxious because you’re reading emails for work that start to hinder your attitude towards the day.

It’s important to know that you need to take care of yourself first. Although we are all in positions to help others and solve problems, we forget that we need to take care of ourselves and our mindset first…we need to check in to our own consciousness before we can go out and deal with the problems and situations of others & our work. Even if you do just a little bit each day..change just one thing each day to connect with you first…it will cause that ripple effect and you will slowly start to do more and more of what brings you peace for the beginning of your day.

This was a little challenging for me but, I have done so well with it thus far and have noticeably seen a difference in my mindset and my attitude towards myself and others. I take that extra time for me first…like feeling grateful, going over my goals (which is next on my list), meditating, moving my body at the gym, and checking in with my soul first. Once I find myself at work and I know I feel strong in my mindset and intention for the day, I dive into what I need to as far as any emails and scrolling through social media if it serves me. Honestly, I’m at a point where when I don’t take this type of action for myself…it almost throws my entire day off. When I take conscious action to connect with me first, I take in all of the energy from the day differently and it has truly transformed how I think and react to situations and towards others. It’s so simple yet something we all seem to forget. We forget that we have control of our feelings, thoughts, and reactions and by simply being aware of that…can change everything.

Anyways, I hope this was something that helped you on this Monday! Have a great week! 🙂

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