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  • Writer's picturefrancesca derviso

Full Moon Meditation Experience

You don’t need to be a scientist to know how powerful and beautiful a full moon can be. You simply look up at the sky on these nights and you can undeniably feel the energy running through your veins just by the one sense of sight. Sunday, August 26th 2018 was the last full moon of the summer, and wow was it powerful.

The full moon tends to stir up a lot of emotions and amplify power within the human spirit. This is why we feel the most tender in our souls. We become a little more sensitive and aware of our thoughts, emotions, and reactions…and sometimes they baffle us. It is so important to become in tune with the moon and its phases as it has such a direct effect on us mentally and physically. If you are in a good space during this phase of our moon, than chances are your experience throughout its full moon process will likely be ore positive and tranquil. However, if you are in a low vibrational space during this process, you want to steer clear from anything that may trigger your negative emotions as this is a time of very sensitive energy. Despite these feelings, the full moon is meant to bring the most powerful healing energy. This is the most optimum time to connect with your feelings and come to a place of healing and re-connection. Although it is a time to face your souls true feelings, it is a time of positive opportunity if used correctly.

The magic the full moon brings is unlike any other.  There are 8 phases of the moon.

  1. The New Moon – This is said to be the birthing process. It is typical that we cannot see the moon at this phase in the sky. It is typically dark and not ready to yet emerge. It is a time of fresh start and new beginnings and brings us to a sense of “starting over”, rejuvenation so to speak.

  2. Waxing Cresent – This phase is where we want to become clear on our intentions for the rest of the journey. After you are aware of the fresh start under the new moon, this is your time to plant your intentions and your desires.

  3. First Quarter – This occurs about a week or so after the new moon. This is the time for action. You have taken rest after setting your intentions and becoming clear and the type of energy you want to attract into your life. In this phase, its time for you to show up and start showing the universe that you are serious and ready to harness the energy of manifestation. Show up.

  4. Waxing Gibbous – During the process of the first quarter, maybe everything did not work out the way you wanted it to. This is the phase that allows you to reassess the decisions you have made thus far and what direction you believe you may need to go to better get a hold of your goals. This is a time of reflection and sometimes, a shift of change.

  5. Full Moon – This phase of the moon is where you have now become clear and what you need to let go of. What does not serve you and what path you believe you are being guided to. It is a time to face your emotions based on your journey thus far and allow yourself to become prepared for the new opportunities that will await you.

  6. Waning Gibbous – This is where the benefits start rolling in. You will start to feel stronger, more aligned, and in a place where you feel as if your hard work and you showing up has begun to pay off.

  7. Last Quarter – This phase is centered around forgiveness. Any trials or tribulations you may have experienced to this point is where you need to find the place in your heart to let go and forgive. I like to refer to this phase as the purging phase. Start to purge the physical things that do not serve you. Get rid of your clutter, negative energies in your social life, and change your environment if need be. This is your time to cleanse and allow yourself to receive.

  8. Waning Cresent – This is my favorite, surrender. In this phase, you want to reevaluate your journey from this point and just surrender to the universe. Surrender to all that you cannot control. You have done your job, you have put in the work, you have reflected, and you have purged. Now you let go and let god, so to speak. Relax and allow all of your energy to be harnessed in this universe and circled back to you in a bigger way so that all you wish to manifest, will in fact come to fruition.

I find the phases of the moon and its powerful energy to be so fascinating. I will admit, there are definitely times that I don’t keep up with all the phases and when the energy gets the best of me when I’m not in a positive place. However, the more I become aware of the moons energy on us as humans, the more I set an intention to harness that energy and use it to only support my life’s intention.

Sunday night, I attended a Vinyasa Flow – Full Moon Meditation Practice to harness this energy to help bring me closer to my purpose and my next steps in life. We were told to write down all that does not serve us on a piece of paper and place it under our mat. As we flowed through our practice, I felt with every inhalation and exhalation the emotions connected to what was written under my mat. I practiced with full intention and really showed up to my mat this night. It was a safe and sacred space where I was surrounded by like minded people all just trying to obtain the same goals. That piece of paper, that intention, that fire inside me, pushed me to practice at my best to where I felt something bigger than me support me in every breath.

When our flow concluded, we had the opportunity to burn that little piece of paper over a candle and watch all that does not serve me go up in flames. It should just be that simple right? To just let go and burn away all the stress, the anxiety, the “no time” in our days, the negative emotions, the negative self talk, all that ego filled junk…just gone. Because we have this constant battle of the ego and the soul as we go through the motions of normal life, it was so powerful to shut off the mind and let the soul do the work. To let the soul show up and tell me, personally, that I ‘m worth it. That I’m here for bigger things than I may sometimes undoubtedly deny myself of.

This was my first real full moon experience and I came out of it with an entirely different mindset. It’s incredible what you can do and what you can feel when you truly let go and let the universe old you up for a little while. We hold ourselves up every single day trying to be the best we can be, going above and beyond for all the obligations in our life. It can be exhausting! Instead of holding myself up and taking control of every situation…as I’m also very guilty of doing….I let the universe hold me. Flow with me through my practice, speak through the pencil as I wrote down what did not serve me, watch the paper burn away, and help bring me to a place of mental peace. A place where I can feel like I have so much more to give. A place of extreme motivation, inspiration, and love.

This experience has allowed myself to truly show up in my most authentic form and has brought me to a phase of self love and self acceptance that I have never experienced before. I’m truly grateful for the moon and its energy as I believe so many of us take it for granted. Nothing on this earth is random. Every occurrence, even the most minuscule, has a purpose and something bigger it is attached to. Shift your perception and become more aware of the energy of your surroundings, such as the moon. Once you do and you let go and let the universe guide you, your purpose becomes a little more clearer and your soul gets to shine a little more everyday and its such a beautiful feeling.

Namaste ❤

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