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  • Writer's picturefrancesca derviso

How Tarot Cards have changed my perspective.

A couple weeks ago, my two roommates had gone to Barnes and Noble to search for some new books to read. As they were going through the isles, they were instantly drawn to these two different sets of Tarot Cards. Now, it was crazy that they had been drawn to this as we had talked about wanting to learn to read Tarot Cards in the past but it hasn’t been brought up since then. Going with their gut feelings, they picked up the two sets that they were drawn to the most and purchased those instead of books. These sets have sat on our kitchen side table for a couple of weeks until we decided to start breaking them out. Just for fun, we decided to pull one card from each deck and start the reading from there. What started as just fun turned into a great little tradition we have been doing for thew past couple of nights and have found such a trend within all our readings that was just to interesting not to share.

Out of over 200 cards within the week we have been doing this we have each pulled one card we have pulled before a second time, three have us have pulled the same card, and we have each pulled a card another one of us has pulled before. Granted, the messages are the same however, it’s pretty crazy how there is such synchronicity in this don’t you think? Synchronicity offers us an opportunity to test our choices and find out whether they are good for us. Ultimately, synchronicity is when multiple signs focus our attention to a path. In my opinion, when I experience this, I believe this is the universe telling me I’m on the right path. However, with the tarot cards, I believe this was the universe telling us the same message over and over that we needed to hear. Now, I’m not to sure on the technical ways of tarot card readings however, in the books and cards we purchased, it states to do as follows.

For a simple card reading, a reading to help guide you day by day on your path,

  1. The individual person shuffles the card themselves.

  2. Shuffle with feeling.

  3. Close your eyes and feel the heat and vibrations of the cards as you shuffle.

  4. Cut the deck one time.

  5. Flip through the cards as you ask the universe anything you’d like guidance on. Things as simple as, “universe, what do I need to hear right now?” to something a little more direct like, “universe, am I on the right career path”

  6. Feel the right card in your hand as you pass through.

  7. Pick and read aloud.

  8. Allow a designated reader in your group (or yourself if you’re alone) to read your reading.

Everything is passed on feeling and intuition. You have to feel connected and believe that you will receive some type of guidance within these cards. Now, by no means am I saying this is the correct way or that this is the only way. We are still learning and we have been doing this for literally a week. We whole hardheartedly believe in what we are pulling and understand that these readings can apply fully to our life or partially. Sometimes, it’s something that doesn’t seem like it applies at all. However, we believe that those circumstances can be the universe’s way of warning us for whats about to come if we continue on the path we are on, good or bad. So far, everything has been pretty spot on for each of us right now and this is why I’m sharing my story about it now.

For me personally, my message has been to step back and be grateful. To stop worrying and trust in the process of the universe and trust that the path I’m on now is exactly where I’m supposed to be. It has warned me to stop falling into moments of worry and thinking about what others think in areas like my career and love life and to go with my feeling. If I feel its right, than its right, and it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. It has been giving me messages to continue to pursue my dreams and to just go with the flow of day by day rather than worrying if I’m putting enough action because the angels are guiding me.

How does this relate? Well, it relates pretty spot fucking on. So spot on, it has been resonating with me all week that this is why I came here today to write about it. Are my days perfect? Absolutely not. I have a roof over my head and a powerhouse of wonderful humans that I have the pleasure of living with that I wouldn’t have any other way. I have a job that is supporting me financially and am going to school working towards my dreams. However lately, the universe has been throwing me curve ball after curve ball making things utterly difficult for me.

Where I work now is not what I’m trying to do with my life. I moved to this other state and to start over in another career in the summer and it’s so close I can taste it. I have been working so hard on getting myself ready for this position (that I have to audition for) so that I can finally leave my current job to have the job I came out here to do, the job I’m destined to experience right now. What has happened? My workload triples right before my auditions. They decide to jumble more to my desk making my days harder. In turn, takes time away from my school work that I was once able to accomplish in between work. Which then, is now having me do poorly in my last class before Christmas Break. On top of it, I have been single for a long time now, and I have for the first time in years have met someone that I feel I have great potential with. The kicker? he lives in another state. All the while everyone else around me is finding love in their space and I start to feel worried that won’t happen for me anymore or it won’t play out the way I imagine due to the distance and him not being able to interact with my family here which I feel brings disconnection between us. Which breaks me down. On top of it, I’m the only one working in the house which brings disconnection because my time is spent at my job, 8 hours a day, and I loose connection with the people who matter the most to me in my life.

With my whole fears and life being said in one paragraph, you can see why I feel as if these cards are telling me something. The thoughts of stepping back and letting the universe make its path for me is something that I know I need to do in relation to my job and my workload. I have been trying to keep  myself aligned and engaged in the universe so that I don’t lose my way in this pile of work I have to do before I get to audition (literally…piles. of. work.) I’m learning to trust the process all over again. These messages of stop worrying what other people think and what they will say is something hard for me to overcome as my family’s opinion means so much to me that even though I would want something to work with this potential relationship, I don’t want the fact of me leaving to visit him or him not being around as much because of the distance to be factor that he may not belong. Especially since now, I’m the only one in this type of a situation. I’m learning to take it day by day and to stay strong and trust that if its meant to be, it will be. That if I feel so strongly for it, then the universe will let it conspire as it should for me. I know that I’m stuck for hours on end at my job and I’m not involved in things my family does as much anymore because of it but this week has taught me to keep pushing day by day because I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.

My reasoning with all of this is that if it wasn’t for these tarot card readings every night and the support of my perfect family talking me through each card and how it pertains to me and supporting me and telling me everything will be okay this week, the amount of sadness, despair, disconnection, and unlove I have felt could have complete broken me. Could have probably brought me to such a low frequency that nothing could bring me out and I would be stuck. I’m so grateful for them and for these readings for getting me through these days and being that constant reminder in the back of my mind that everything will be okay. Pulling these cards every night has honestly changed my perspective to a lot I have seen happen to me so quickly and I’m ready to push these feelings away and just let them go.

I know it will be a little difficult, but this is exactly why I’m laying this out right here, on the internet. I want to be able to make myself vulnerable to the world and share my colors. Share my experiences, my thoughts, and my processes. I want to be able to hopefully shed some light in anyone of you that feels drawn to get through this novel of a post and read something that you maybe needed to hear. I’m not saying that you need to go to Barnes and Noble right now about buy a tarot card deck but, I’m saying that this is something that has worked for me and if this serves you, than give it a go. If not, don’t feel discouraged to go out and be vulnerable to something that may make a difference in your life. The universe is always guiding us and unless you are looking for a way out while you feel like you’re spiraling down then honey, you’re gonna spiral all the way down until you cant see the light anymore. No one wants to see you there and you don’t want to be there. You are more beautiful and stronger than that. You were put here for a purpose and you need to stay here to fulfill your souls mission because we need you. This is something I continue to tell myself everyday, especially in these moments.

It’s okay when things get hard. This is the universe testing you. The universe is throwing curve ball after curve ball to see if you truly match up to what you’re trying to manifest into your life. If you’re really being serious about wanting that new job, that new relationship, and that new life. Show the universe that you are ready.




Get out there and know that the universe has your back and trust that you can push through anything it may dish out and come out on top, exactly where it wants you to be. 🙂

If you want to see what Tarot cards we used see below!

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