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  • Writer's picturefrancesca derviso


Pinot noir (8)

A lot of people tend to connect the word soulmate solely with the person they consider to be their significant other. Although this is true because yes, having a significant other is not only falling in love with that person but falling in love with their soul & having a connection to it – a soulmate can also involve those people you spend most of your time with that your soul also has a strong connection with. Soulmates can truly play any role in your life…family members, colleagues, neighbors, strangers, and obviously lovers. It’s finding your soulmates, your soul family, or your soul groups that make life that much more worth connecting too. You choose these people throughout your time here on the physical earth. Your soul vibrates on the same frequency as theirs does and the moment an interaction occurs, you souls spark.

You know that feeling when you meet someone its like you have known them your whole life? You relate to each other on different scale that you feel no one else can relate to?

That is your soulmate. One of what can be many soulmates. It is someone you have had connections with in the lives you’ve mastered in past plains. You and your soul family may have been through the same traumas, heartaches, and growth experiences in your past lives. When you then come across an encounter such as this, it’s not the first time. This is just one of your journey’s here on the present earth, where you are reconnecting (usually unconsciously) and taking on your soul mission in healing and growing together. It’s almost as if you’re taking every lesson you’ve learned before and using it to make an impact bigger than yourselves. They are like kindred spirits, a breath of fresh air, souls yours was meant to thrive with.

There has been points in my life where I had a lot of friends & there also has been points in my life where the only friends I felt I had was my immediate family and no one outside of it. Now, don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore my family, they are my blood, my rocks, and support me in every way. However, as you grow older, you grow into your own. Your beliefs may no longer be the same beliefs your family has instilled in you. They may agree with your new beliefs…they may not and that’s okay. Once you start to find yourself, become more aware, & you begin to align yourself with who you are supposed to be, your soul goes out in search of those it can connect to that share your true wants, desires, and beliefs. For those human beings who share the same light, who have a similar message and purpose and it strives to connect with those like minded souls to thrive in this thing we call life. The more you are in alignment with your path, the more likely you will come in contact with those a part of your soul family. They are here to help realign you with what is important to you at the soul level, and they inspire you to make changes, or offer support at times of accelerated change and personal transformation.

How do you know you have came across such beings?

  1. When you meet, it’s as if you’ve known each other forever.

  2. The more time you spend together, the more synchronicities you all experience together.

  3. You have so much to teach each other & are constantly learning from one another.

  4. When you’re together, you always feel at home.

  5. You activate each others soul purpose. That fire, that drive, that mission, feels ignited by their support and love.

This is where I’m eternally grateful for MY soul family, my best friends, my roommates, my people. I have known some of these humans for more than 5 years, and some of them for as short as two years but the connection we all have, it’s as if I have known them my entire life. They are the reason my life has shifted in such a positive way. The universe was SCREAMING at me to make the move out of state and create a life with them, louder than I have ever heard it before….& I did it, why? because the connection with these souls is greater than I can ever explain. We constantly uplift each other, support each other, push each other to greatness, and are there for each other no matter what. We are not just roommates, we are truly family.

This is just one of the reasons why I find spiritual development to be so fascinating and important to me. It is what has led me to awareness in aspects such as this. Finding your connection to your own soul opens up the door for you to find the connection in other souls that are supposed to make an imprint on your life for the better, and visa versa. Everyone should be able to feel the way I feel about my soul family. There are so many things I feel I can accomplish and create that is a direct reflection of my soul because of them. We all bring the light out of each other and it is important to keep people like this around. They are sacred beings and you have reconnected in each life for a reason & your awareness of that on this earth is how you will be able to accomplish what you came here to do.

I have found my tribe and every single one of them, including myself, brings something different to the table. We have created a powerhouse, a constant place of growth, knowledge, and positive change where anyone who walks into our home or comes in contact with our energies can feel it immediately. We are truly birds of a different feather, very strong individuals who walk a path to enlightenment and strive to fulfill our souls mission, in the most beautiful way. I know the universe has guided each of us to each other for a reason and I believe that reason is to impact a massive change on this physical earth. We strive to be inspired and to inspire and to me that is so powerful. I’m so grateful everyday I get to spend my time here in these present moments with such incredible beings because I know we are destined for greatness.

Strive for change in yourself and in the world around you. Begin your journey now, get yourself to where you know you are supposed to be. Take the action steps to align yourself with what fuels your passions. Start aligning with what you want and the universe will conspire FOR you and sooner or later, if it hasn’t already, your soul family will appear. In the most random places, at times you least expect them. You need these humans to help guide you to where you need to go. To help you manifest all the good in your life and to fulfill your souls purpose. You are here for a reason, whether you know that reason or not, you will find it. When you do, the most important people in your life will be right there cheering you on and you will know that everything you go through in this life, all the experiences, the challenges, the turmoil, will all be worth it.

To my Soul Fam:

You guys are my people! my family! my best friends! I’m so in love with our connection and your souls. I can’t wait to continue to see what life unfolds for us…where are dreams take each one of us and where the universe will guide us to next. I can’t wait to watch each of you soar higher than any of us could have even imagined! & know I will be right there soaring next to you. We have a purpose on this physical earth, that purpose is to inspire, to heal, to teach, to learn, and to love. I’m blessed to be doing life with you. Thank you for being you, for always being there for me, and for being the coolest people I know 🙂

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