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  • Writer's picturefrancesca derviso

Trusting the process.

This world will throw so many obstacles your way. Things you may think you’re ready for, and things you didn’t even know you were ready for. That’s the beauty of life though isn’t it? The unknown, the mystery, the butterflies in your belly? To most this is true. However, sometimes, it can feel like the complete opposite.

I’m sure you can relate, but with my life currently, I have been playing tug o war with my ego and my soul. My soul wanted one thing to happen in my life and my ego was hitting it down with a bat of negativity. It was crushing my soul and clouding my opinions. It’s so hard to listen to one voice when they other is screaming over it. That’s how I felt with my ego trying to pull my decisions one way. I had a plan. I had it all figured out in my head how everything was going to happen for my current career situation. I had it all down to the specifics, putting it out in the universe and acting as if it was already done. Well because, to me it was. I wanted it that bad. When it came down to the point of the job I was wanting to call me back didn’t, my ego stepped in. However, only to overshadowed by getting a call for the same position, just at another company. Therefore, re-instilling the faith in my plan. As time continued, and the need to give my current employer my two weeks, my ego started up again. Things like,

“This job is full benefits? Why would you leave that?”

“That new job is half the pay..why would you take it?”

“Your current situation keeps you financially stable, that new job is inconsistent, how could you leave that?”

It was difficult but you know what my answer was? I trust the process & I know, even though how I’m planning for this to happen is not exactly how its unfolding doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea, it just means I need to learn to let go. In which I am doing. Don’t get me wrong, I was feeling deathly afraid that leaving such a steady job is going to cause me to fail. However, I know that even if I do, failure will be my greatest success. Maybe there are lessons I’m supposed to learn. Maybe there is something in this new role that is going to connect me to my higher good. Who knows! & how will you if you don’t take that leap of faith? You won’t. & I will not stand for THAT mystery.

Needless to say, the moment I marched into the office to offer my two weeks, I got the most surprising gift. The gift of a piece of mind. Why? Because I have become such an asset to my current company that me leaving was just simply not an option. Due to my new job being seasonal/temporary, my current employer is willing to work with me as much as they need to. Keeping me with my financial stability, my open schedule, and the ability to work my new job to excel in where I want to go in the future. Not only this, but the moment my new job is over, I will be returning to a full time status and will continue my duties as so. This was just such a weight lifted off my shoulder as I know feel like I have shown the universe I mean business and with that, I was rewarded with this piece of mind.

Do I want to stay at this old job forever? No. Does it serve my higher purpose? Not really. Am I grateful for the opportunity to work for such a company and learn what I learned? Absolutely. The simple decision on their part to keep me on part time just goes to show me that my work is not overlooked and makes me want to work even harder to show them that they did not make a mistake.

I’m so grateful for all of the opportunities being shown to me just by making the conscious effort to go out of my way to put myself in a vulnerable position and take action towards something I truly believe in. If down the line my path ends with being at this current job just a little while after the seasonal job or having to leave it in between, than so be it. All I know is, at this moment, I’m making the vow that I’m trusting the process in the universe and that of divine intervention.

Everything happens for a reason. The way everything has been laid out before me is showcasing this to me now. If there is something in your life that you want to do. Something that your soul is just being pushed towards but you have your ego screaming at you that it’s a bad idea…GO WITH YOUR GUT. Follow the energy that this universe is pulling you towards. You are supposed to experience it for a reason! Your energy aligns for a reason! Push through your fear and march into the face of your ego and tell it to shut the hell up because you run the show. You know whats best for you. You know the universe has your back and you know that no matter where you go in life, you trust that path and you will walk towards making every dream of yours a reality!

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