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  • Writer's picturefrancesca derviso

Vegan Thanksgiving

This past weekend was Thanksgiving! Truly one of my favorite holidays. It also marks my second Vegan Thanksgiving! Let me tell you, it’s getting better and better every year!

I got to fly home after a short week at work and spend time with my family and friends back home for a whopping 4 days! It has been a while since I have been home so being able to surround myself with those that mean so much to me on a day filled of thanks was so enjoyable.

Although my Thanksgiving was really great, I wanted to shed some light on those that have maybe just transitioned to veganism or became vegetarian and dealing with the loads of questions and comments at the Thanksgiving dinner table. Let me tell you, I have been there. My first year was the hardest. The constant questions and interrogations as I was simply minding my own business cooking my own meal was so frustrating! As much as I love my family, & I’m sure you love yours as well, there are always those that will criticize you cooking your tofurky from a box and not having a “traditional” Thanksgiving meal. The only thing I have to say is STAY STRONG. Remember that you are the bigger person. Just let those say what they want to say and let it go in one ear and out the other because sooner or later they will wake up and see that you were right all along. If they don’t? Then that’s their choice and as long as you know that you continue to live in a space of compassion and gratitude, then that’s all that matters.

The world is starting to wake up and veganism is on the rise. Its becoming more and more popular everyday and people are finally starting to wake up. I went to a local basic grocery store (Albertsons) to grab some wine for dinner and at this store, they’re not typically known for their healthier options. However, when I got there, there was an entire section of vegan options that also had some Thanksgiving inspired items. The fact that this store had an entire little section devoted to my lifestyle was so amazing to me. My point is that eventually, those who are more stuck in their ways are going to have to deal with the fact that people are choosing this lifestyle more in their day to day life instead of just at the Thanksgiving table with you. Staying strong and standing your ground on how you feel is so important. Everyone wakes up at different times. It’s just not their time. In our lifestyle, we preach kindness and compassion & with situations like this is where it comes into play the most. Even this past year I too had to deal with people who just don’t understand this lifestyle. Just stay true to your heart and try not to let others influence what you truly believe in. Lets face it, they’re just mad they were too tired from eating all the turkey & full of tryptophan and you’re over there stuffing your face with the good stuff and still had the energy to cheer on the cowboys ;).

With all that being said, I hope everyone’s thanksgiving went well! Here are a couple things I made for my Vegan Thanksgiving that turned out to be absolutely NEXT LEVEL. There were some other things made that were not pictures as my family was devouring the food around me as I was trying to take pictures haha! enjoy! 🙂

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