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  • Writer's picturefrancesca derviso

Become comfortable with being uncomfortable. 

Just a quick thought…do you have something in your life starring you in the face that absolutly terrifies you? Because I sure do! & this isn’t the first time for me.

I figured I just put in my two cents on the thought of jumping out of your comfort zone. It is so so so so so SO important for you to live outside your comfort zone. get comfortable with being uncomfortable. I knew it’s easier said than done however, it’s crucial to your growth to experience new heights and see where your mind and body can go.

I have been sitting on the idea of taking more professional photos for my blog and social media accounts. This has been a little scary for me as I don’t feel like I have that model face or model body. I know that’s not the best thing to think about but it is just something that has always been in the back of my mind. Getting in front of a camera and trying to do serious faces we’re so awkward to me! I felt like my eyes always looked dead, my arms were doing weird things, anytime I tried to look “sexy” I looked like I had a stomach ache or something hahaha. However, I have been slowly jumping out of my comfort zone and have been enjoying it so far! Don’t get me wrong…it’s a little weird and trying to be graceful is not as easy as you may think haha. The point is I GOT OUT THERE. It was scary but how I dipped my feet in the water was by going out with my best friends, people I trusted, used the portrait mode on my iphone 7+, and just started shooting! They were actually really great in making me laugh and helping me into my poses! I can honestly say there is probably 200+ photos in my phone in various outfits and I liked maybe 10 HAHA. Either way, it was out of my comfort zone and I made an uncomfortable situation comfortable and I lived! hahaha.

That’s the lesson that has been resonating with me today as I scrolled through to find a photo to post for Instagram. Why be scared? I’m 5 foot 3 and who’s to say I can’t get out there and take just as good photos as those girls that are 5 foot 9 plus! It doesn’t matter what you like look, what you think people will say about you, how you will be perceived by others on social media etc. It only matters that you jumped into something that terrifies you and you made it work! You’re doing this jump for YOU and for YOU alone. Don’t let others influence your decisions and just rip it off like a band aid and jump out there! Even if it was the smallest effort. You made that conscious decision to move towards growth and that already puts you in the right.

Continue to push towards your goals and don’t let anything scare you! Life begins at the end of your comfort zone and when you get out there, you won’t believe the opportunities that will present themselves to you once you do! Stay open and receiving to the universe and when you take action towards your growth, the universe will reciprocate with giving you what you most desire out of life.

Here are a few of my photos for you to enjoy now that you know how absolutly terrified I was going into it HAHA at least it doesn’t look like I was right? Have a wonderful day junkies!

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