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  • Writer's picturefrancesca derviso

Goodbye 2017

Another year has passed right before our eyes! I don’t know about you, but when I was younger, my parents would always tell me that once I get a little older, the years would just fly by and next thing I knew I was going to be 40. At the time, I always brushed it off like, “ya ya whatever, you just say that cause you’re old” & time felt like it was going SO slow because I couldn’t wait to get older. Well, this past year was just another moment of, “damn mom and dad…you were right.” haha

2017 has absolutely flown by and I can’t even believe how much I have accomplished in this past year. There’s one thing I read the other day in another blog post, I wish could’ve saved it so I can reference it so my apologies but, it truly resonated with me and I feel like it’s something I should share. In this post was written, “you are constantly changing even when you don’t feel like it in real time.” This just sunk in with me as I feel this is exactly my feeling as each year passes. I sit myself down and I think about what I had done in the past year and I always seem to find so many things that have changed that I didn’t even realized changed in my life at the time. As I reflected, I thought this would be a great exercise for those of you who need a little guidance and where you should go in 2018. Cause girrrl, the universe knows that’s exactly why I started reflecting in the first place. I wanted to shed some light for myself and my accomplishments and really process what I have done and where I want to go from here because even I need a little push from the universe from time to time.

I know I’m almost 10 days late but, going into this new year, 2018, think about where you were on January 1, 2017.

How did you feel?

What had you accomplished?

Did you hold a different job?

Were you happy?

What was your mindset?

Your goals?

Write it all down. Document where you were in your life then and how much as changed in this present moment. So many things have changed in my life starting from the smallest things like my hair growing a little longer, to me moving completely out of state and changing my entire life. Sometimes I get in these phases where I’m making crazy moves and just diving myself into things that I don’t allow myself to process and as the days go by I start to realize, whoa, I’m really killing it right now. Even though I may have moments in between where I feel like I’m not doing enough. It’s crazy how life just fly’s by right before your eyes and the next thing we know, its a new year.

As I sit here and reflect on the same questions I mentioned in this blog post, I’m starting to realize all of these things and have decided to go into 2018 an entirely different way. I plan on devoted a single word to my year and using this in all of my decisions to get myself farther in my goals. That word is ACTION.

I want to take action in whatever opportunity presents itself to me to move farther in my goals. I want to take action in any person I come in contact with by inspiring them in some way or connecting with them in a way that will serve our purpose in a good way. I want to take action in achieving my new years commitments and goals I have set for myself. I want to take action in stopping and enjoying every moment of life as it passes to take it all in and truly be grateful for the journey.

Taking action is going to be my mantra. 2017 was full of establishing my roots, learning, growing, and changing. 2018 is going to be the year I apply everything I have learned, all the places I have grown, and continue to take action to change for the better.

2018 is the year of the grind. the year of the hustle. the year of building. Let us all make every day ours!

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