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  • Writer's picturefrancesca derviso

3 Things You Should Have for Forward Movement

When you show up to your mat or honestly, anything that is challenging to you in that moment, there are three important things you must have to move forward in said challenge.

  1. Passion for it.

  2. Dedication to it.

  3. The will to self learn.

This is something my yoga instructor said to the class today. As I found stillness in my downward dog and heard her speak this truth, I felt it resonate so deeply with me. Isn’t this something we should all be adapting in every aspect of our lives? Not only in things that are just challenging but in everything we do in our day to day lifestyle.

Your days should be filled with things you find passion in, things you find dedication in despite the severity, and the things you believe to have the will to self learn about. It’s so important to assess your daily situations with these three values in mind. If you don’t have passion for the things that are filling up your days, then why do them? If you can’t find the dedication in your heart, mind, and soul to have forward movement in what you immerse yourself in daily, then why waste your energy? If you are not willing to teach yourself how to master these things and be open to learning them in different ways, especially from yourself as a teacher, then why focus on it?

This sparked something in me that really allowed the space for me to open up and show up fully on my mat. I thought of these three values with every flow and found that even though some of the postures were challenging (which mind you I was in a level two class for my first time so you can only imagine the posture level) I was able to bring my mind to a state of peace and ease. It gave me something to hold on to. It brought me to a place where I can accept exactly where I’m at in that moment and learn to love myself for the passion, dedication, and will to learn to be better.

Due to my work schedule, it has been a little difficult for me to make the time to show up to my mat. However, today I know I needed to slow down & I got to join in on this class with my best friend and roommate which made that experience significantly more fun. With that being said, the idea of “accepting myself where I’am in that moment” was direct inspiration from her and this class (heyyy pyzzyyyy 🙂 haha). This was part of a conversation we had on our way home from yoga and was something I felt coincided very well with the intentions and vibrations of the class.

It’s such a powerful thing to become aware of. This concept of acceptance. The moment you really start to think about how you show up to different areas of your life and become accepting of being in this stream of just “being”, a wave of mental peace just crashes over you. Knowing that we have the opportunity to instill such values into our lifestyle is just another form of consciousness, another level to to speak.

In essence, showing up to my mat today was something I needed to do for myself. Practicing along side humans in the same harmony as your energy and consciously  blocking off the chatter of the mind through the practice of yoga is something I feel everyone should experience in their life. The lessons I’m learning from today are to encourage these three elements in my life and allow them to lift me up and support me towards pursuing the things I love in life.

We all deserve to love this life that we live. The motions of everyday challenges can be overwhelming, scary, frustrating, and emotionally draining. I challenge you to reassess the situations, experiences, environments, and activities you involve yourself in and see if they meet this criteria. I call it 3 ways towards forward movement because it is just that. How can you move forward with something in your life if it doesn’t fall under these top three elements? We deserve to live with passion, have dedication to what we know will bring us towards our goals, and have the will and ambition to be a student of life and a student for ourselves. We all have this capability deep down in our bones. It’s time to bring it forth and start changing your life one thing at a time.

Namaste ❤

P.S. For more enlightening topics, health and wellness tips, lifestyle – follow my best friend and roommate who was featured for a moment in this post, Lyz on her website/blog:

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