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  • Writer's picturefrancesca derviso

Letting Go

A theme has been occurring recently in my life. That theme of letting go. I believe I’m finally starting to realize what that theme is trying to tell me.

What do I mean by themes? These are little hidden messages from the universe, from the angles, from the gods…however you perceive your higher source. These messages come in all forms, songs on the radio, tarot cards, something someone says that triggers a reminder, a TV commercial..literally anything. They are little messages being given to us to help guide our subconscious to where our path is leading. If you are more conscious and aware of your higher powers, you tend to notice them a lot more…and point them out every time they happen.

For myself, as I have explained in another blog post, it came in the form of a tarot card . More specifically, an angel card. I have been in this constant battle with full blown quitting one of my jobs. I have come to realize that this environment just does not serve me anymore. However, I have been resisting any change with it due to my fear. My fear of loosing a part of my income. My fear of the aftermath.

I have been in this position before. I full blown quite that job, picked up my life and the little I had saved, and moved to an entirely different state where, thankfully, I knew only 4 other people. This was difficult. It was a hard transition. I came into with the expectation that everything would change…don’t get me wrong…it really did. My whole life has changed for the better. However, when searching for a job, I landed one that was almost similar to my last…the one I left my home state for.

Now, just to clarify, this was SIMILAR to my last. When I knew it was going to require me working in an office again, which is what I despised the most, I was not happy about it. However, my boss is a great human being that I feel we have a lot in common and our relationship as boss and assistant, worked very well. Very professional, respectable, and easy. I have no issues in that regard and know that our paths were crossed for a reason.

With that being said, I have been at this job for over a year and have been working multiple second jobs in the interim to expand my day to day work life. It was good for a while. I felt I was finally able to get my human connection back with my second jobs. Instead of sitting in an office only engaging with my boss, I was able to let loose and build rapport and relationships with others visiting my new town of Las Vegas, while I served them drinks and food on their vacation. I really enjoy that human connection.

Now, coming full circle, I have been experiencing little hints here and there within my intuition showing me that I have been doing everything I can to not spend time in my office. Luckily, I was able to work out a deal with my boss to work part time in the office, which I’m so grateful for….so don’t think I was jus playing hooky all the time…lol But, being the kind boss he is, he knew where I was coming from and was able to work with me to do both jobs.

Lately, I have been doing less and less and finding myself resisting the conversation of fully leaving. I sometimes feel that I have to much value, I don’t want to leave him or the company hanging so to speak…I feel that if I let it go, then my security blanket is taken from me. I know that many others have been in this exact position. Who was I to give any advice when I was sitting in that same chair. I know what I need to do…but the action is what I have yet to take. However, the other side of my intuition is telling me that I’m doing more harm to my subconscious by staying and feeling this way, than by listening to the signs and just simply….letting go.

At the end of the day, it is about me. Me and what makes me happy. I’m dedicated to creating this life exactly the way I want it. Holding on to something in this sense that is only dragging my energy down, and causing me to not show up fully to the office and give the energy my boss deserves, is means enough to have the conversation of leaving.

But I was putting it off….

Oh my boss is out of town, I’ll talk to him next week

Oh my boss in on vacation that week…I’ll talk to him when he gets back.

Well, its Saturday and I unexpectedly did not have to work my second job today….which thankfully because working two jobs consistently and full time in school…can be challenging. I took this opportunity as a sign to have a soul day, get some homework done, and find some self love. Being the weekend was here, I wanted to treat today as the day I did things for me before Sunday came around and the thought of talking to my boss  for pretty much a third time on the subject matter on Monday creeped back up again. I knew it was going to sit at the back of my mind because I know now…this is the conversation that is going to lead to fully leaving…no one else knew..but I knew.

Which brings me to our Angel Cards. I was feeling really good. Went to the gym, finished my homework, cleaned some clutter, set up my vision board, and then right before I left to lay out by the pool and soak in some vitamin D…..something in my head said….pull a card.

I spoke outloud to the angels and asked them to guide me and tell me something I needed to hear. Something that needs my attention or action to allow myself to stay on the divine path. Trusting their word and allowing them to share their wisdom with me.

I closed my eyes….felt the connection of the card through my fingertips & pull….

“Time To Go”

The card’s meaning reads…. “The angels guided you to pull this card to help you admit to is time to leave. You should already know the situation they’re referring too. You’ve hesitated leaving because of loyalties and fears, yet the angels assure you that this is the best way.”

I had the absolute chills. You know…whether you believe in a higher source …. tarot cards …. angels ….. or not, when you have a strong intuition and something in this outside world validates that without you speaking those feelings into existence….needless to say you’re the only one who knows you feel this way – and a message like this arrives….you can’t help but feel the connection to the universe and know that this message is calling to you.

It was validated for me. It’s up to me to trust the angels…trust the process…and know deep in my heart that no matter what way I approach the situation I’m being guided.

I wanted to share with you my thoughts on these messages because I myself have seen many before…but have ignored them. In this life, it is our job to act on these messages from the universe because they are only working in our best interest. If you become aware of synchronicities such as this…follow them.

This is my lesson to you…and to myself….you’re always being guided. I know this is a mantra I continuously tell myself and others but this is solid proof of it. Follow your intuition…whatever that is that is just screaming at you right now. Follow the messages…listen to the cues….and bring yourself inner peace that you always have spirit with you. Whatever you feel going on in your heart and soul…listen to it and watch things change…not for the worse like you may think due to any fears or boundaries you may have felt…like myself…but for the better.

One door closes….another one opens.

It’s the awareness that, that door was meant to close that will allow you to step through the one that has been opened. ❤

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