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  • Writer's picturefrancesca derviso

The Illusion of Time and the Power of Presence.

Being present has been a reoccurring theme for me lately & to be honest, it has changed a lot of the way I view life. Being in the now is the most important and precious thing we could ever have and own in experience. In the book I have been reading, “The Power of Now” By: Eckhart Tolle, he explains how most of us tell ourselves all the time how precious time is or how we don’t have enough of it.

“There is nothing more precious than time”

“Time is precious, waste is wisely”

“I don’t have time to do this…I don’t have time to do that”

“I never have the time to fit this in…fit that in”

I’m sure you have heard these before or have said these to yourself. I know I have and I guarantee the list can go on. However, this concept of time being so precious or not have enough of it has awakened in me that this concept is an illusion. In reality, time isn’t precious at all, it’s in fact an illusion…. & no, I’m not talking about time as in clockwork (12:00pm, 1:00pm, 2:00pm) I’m talking about the concept and beliefs we have behind “time”.

What most people believe is precious is in fact, not time at all. In actuality, the one thing that is precious, is the one moment that is OUT of time: the now.

The now is extremely precious and we should be focusing more on the relationship we have with the here and now instead of this concept of time, the past and future. Think about it, we spend so much of our energy thinking about the future and putting together our past. We are in this constant of what is to come and what has been instead of what is now. The more you are focused on this illusion of time, the more you end up missing the here and now. The most precious thing that will ever be….the most precious thing you have.

Reflect on this…Pay attention to your life and forget about your life situation. Your life is what is happening here and now, your life situation exists in time. Your life is now. Your life situation is all wrapped up in your mind and tied to the idea of time we have given our day to day lives. You…your soul…your life is what is real. Realize deeply, let the fact that your life is RIGHT NOW be awakened deeply inside you. Do your best to realize that this present moment, you reading this right now, is all you have, Make the NOW your primary focus in life and watch how much more precious your life begins to look.

The more we practice presence and living in the now, the more we take control of our individual growth and the expansion of consciousness in the human mind as a collective. Eckhart Tolle explains:

“Practicing Presence may be the kindest action we can take for our own growth and that of humanity—because we are all connected, as we change individually we assist in making shifts in the collective.”

The more we become aware of the present moment and the concept of time we can use that as a tool for our own development to share and inspire others to realize the same. To wake up a little more, to stop telling themselves this story of “having no time”, to help others understand their mind and their lives. It starts with the awareness in YOU to help shift others to the awareness in themselves.

In truth, we have all the time in the world! We create it. Don’t allow the standard understanding of time hinder your growth and your capabilities to do great things. Start with the presence of now and allow yourself to open your mind to endless time and possibilities. It is then that your perception shifts and you being to realize what is actually precious in this life, the power of now.

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