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  • Writer's picturefrancesca derviso

The Universe is Preparing YOU!


Have you noticed it?

Do you feel it?

Are you ready?

This universe that we’re having a physical experience within is nothing short of amazing. It is always conspiring WITH us, whether we know it or not…whether we want it or not…whether we like it or not. Our vibrations determine the level of opportunity that is brought upon us throughout our lifetime. The lower the vibrations, the lower the chance of opportunity and movement. The higher the vibrations well, then the opportunity becomes just endless and there is only forward movement.

You know in those moments where you tell yourself under your breath, “just trust the universe…trust the process…its happening for a reason” BUT you’re just so in the thick of your own shit that its hard to really surrender and process that this underlying faith you keep telling yourself is actually doing something? Well, I know this feeling ALL TO WELL.

Along with adapting positive thinking, mantras, and affirmations into my day to day life, faith contributes a vibration that no other can match. When you’re going through those days where you’re just at your lowest vibration (& EVERYONE experiences this…don’t discredit yourself just because you believe you are alone in this feeling) it’s so important to “let go & let god” so to speak. It all boils down to your faith. Faith is trust & trust is truly a practice. It’s not easy, especially when you’re putting faith into something that may not be tangiable. However, faith will be your biggest ally. We are on a need-to-know basis with the Universe and we must trust and have faith that there is a higher power guiding the way. In the wellness world, there is so much emphasis on the importance of letting go, relinquishing the need to control and learning to trust that things will simply be taken care of. The reason for this is because when you truly have that deep faith that you’re being prepared for something bigger than you, the more the universe can conspire for you. A big part of building trust with the universe is to first trust ourselves. Be comfortable with who you are. Embrace who you are, and where you are. I’m extremely guilty of not giving myself enough credit for things I’m currently doing and the things I’m manifesting and I know there are many who feel the same. I know we may not like where we are at times, but if we do not develop a pure acceptance of where we are in this present moment, then that is exactly where we will stay. We do not need to know how we are going to get there. We just need to know where we are going. As humans, we naturally want to know the “why” of everything, or what the reason is. This is a natural occurrence for us and because of this, it is imperative that we allow ourselves to feel the, “who – what – when – where – how – & WHY’s” so that we can better understand ourselves for when the next shift occurs.

It’s so important to let your soul purge these emotions. It’s just as important to feel yourself be IN THE SHIT just as it is important to feel empowered, on top of the world, and being the best version of yourself. Having these moments of breakdown are necessary for your growth. Light cannot exist without the dark and that is just fact…its law. The best version of you cannot emerge through the light if it doesn’t get dragged through the dark first.

The beauty of all of this is that we are extremely capable of pulling ourselves back up. Do everything you need to do that will help you feel all of your emotions. Get specific with it. Learn to know exactly where these feelings are coming from. Where in your body? What is the sensation? What are the thoughts going through your mind when these triggers arise? Recognize these feelings for what they are. This is a journey, a process, and we can only start where we are. You must build trust one small step at a time and it starts by recognizing your triggers, feeling those emotions so deeply, & changing your thoughts.

Bring your awareness to gratitude. Look around you, be grateful for everything and everyone in your life right here and now. Realize that those moments, those feelings, are just temporary and they’re needed to support your growth…to support what the universe has planned for you. Everything that has happened to you thus far is simply preparing you for something bigger that has yet to manifest. Pay attention to how even the tiniest things may go your way or fall in place just for you. In order to let go of your control, allow yourself to feel the safety of the universe’s intentions towards you. It is through our lowest points in life, those points where even the smallest part of us still holds onto faith, where we gain wisdom and allow for our new-found strength to emerge and for change to come.

We are a part of a universe that is created with absolute perfection. Nothing is left to chance and nothing that occurs is at random. Remember that the universe is always on our side and we are significantly stronger than our ego can lead us to believe sometimes. Always do your best to let go, surrender, and just allow the universe to work its magic because there is something so much bigger being created for you, along side of you, and sometimes, right there in front of you…are you ready?

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