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  • Writer's picturefrancesca derviso

Using my Social Media to Share & Inspire through Experience

If anyone has been following me on Instagram for a while, I’m sure you have noticed my transition of the type of content I have been sharing with the world. When social media first started becoming more and more popular for us millennial’s, it was so much fun! I remember posting random things on Instagram like the flowers my parents had as their centerpiece on the kitchen table, my dogs, sometimes random cups of coffee with no caption. It was so fun, this new world of photo sharing, getting to be creative with how you can make your new snapshots of the world you perceive different by playing with filters, edits, and even collages of multiple photos.

Instagram was always my social media platform of choice. I felt the most creative with Instagram and felt it was a great outlet for me to share photos of myself, my world, and my friends with the internet. However, I see Instagram changing every single day as we continue to evolve in more ways than one.

Instagram has now become some what of a foundation for online entrepreneurs and business communities alike. It has given people a voice, a place to express what they feel, who they really are, and what they love to share with the world in an unedited and raw fashion. With it being primarily a mobile application, this gives us as the users free reigns to post whatever we want, whenever we want, wherever we please making it that much more of a creative process done at the tip of your fingers. It is bringing forth the opportunity for people to make a living doing, selling, or sharing what they love most in their world and is creating communities for others to follow. It’s truly remarkable what this platform has been able to give us and its only growing by the day with an extensive amount of users from all around the globe.

At this time in my growth, I have found my voice to be a little bit stronger and little bit wiser as each day passes. I have shifted the essence of my platform through Instagram to be a place of inspiration and creativity. At the beginning of this year, I vowed to myself that I would become more vulnerable and share my raw thoughts and beliefs with the world in hopes of shifting others perspectives for the better. Vulnerability to me, expresses the idea of sharing our feelings and our experiences with those whom we believe deserve to hear them. I challenged myself in becoming more creative with my own temple in how I take photos and the type of content I post on my platform. It supports me bringing forth this intention of being more vulnerable for myself, so when I look back at each post I can take in exactly where I was mentally and spiritually at that time, and for those who follow me and genuinely take what I have to say to heart and implement my practices into their own lives.

Needless to say, I’m really starting to step into my own skin and I believe that there are a lot of people who respectively receive the messages I’m sharing in one way or another. I have began to see my platform as an online journal, scrapbook, or visual journey of my own growth so to speak. Every post I make coincides with a lesson that I may be learning in my own personal life at that time. I have turned to this platform to share my experiences with others through creative visual and written expression. What I find the most valuable is that everything I begin to creatively write, I’m writing for myself. I place my current experience into words that can touch any reader that it resonates with all the while, truly talking to myself at the same time. Its almost meditative. To really dive deep into the inner workings of my current situations and put them out in a way that others can relate to has become something I have great passion in and supports my progression through each phase of my own life!

Experience is the teacher of all things. It is the hardest kind of teacher. It forces you through the shit first and has you recognize the lesson afterwards. Exposing the feelings of my own shit and cultivating the words to express my personal lesson from it, has been my theme within my platform thus far. My intention behind sharing my experiences in this way is in hopes to inspire others to shift their own perspective of their current situations too. I’m showcasing that it’s okay to be vulnerable and authentic when your intentions are pure. This has been a way of creative self expression in my opinion…and not to toot my own horn anything but….I do get a decent amount of feedback from the things I share and that’s honestly the shit that fuels me! (SO THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY SOUL). It drives me to keep showing up and just speak my truth no matter who likes it or not. It’s such a great feeling of accomplishment when I get to hear from someone that either I have known from my past, I have crossed paths with before even if for a short time, or someone I don’t personally know, come to me and thank me for the insight and positivity I have put out into their world! I become just filled with gratitude and love when I learn that anything I have shared on this platform has resonated positively with my followers in some way, shape, or form. I become more and more inspired to continue being vulnerable with myself, learning from my experiences, showcasing my growth, speaking my raw truth, and sharing all of this with only the highest intentions for others to also learn from.

Now, I don’t know everything and I’m not perfect…. (even though we all are perfect in our own way.  Just being here and breathing and experiencing this life in the body we have been given is perfection in and of itself) but, for the sake of general unconscious human knowledge, I’m not perfect or all knowing either. However, I do know that the only source of valuable knowledge is obtained through experience. I believe that the more I flow through life, the more I become aware of my actions and my journey, the more experience I go through, positive and negative, will in turn bring me the highest knowledge. Knowledge that I can share with others in a different light and open their eyes to what their potential in this life may be. A type of knowledge that not everyone understands, yet.

This is why I do what I do. This is why I share the things I share on my platform in the way that I do. I want to be that guide to push others to their best selves while I do the same for my own self. I want to look back through all those photos that I have posted on Instagram and be able to see how far I’ve come and where I’m going. The journey that has led me to where I am right now and the various obstacles I have had to endure on my path thus far. It has been a way of becoming more and more grateful and entrusting in the path I’ve been guided on. The ever classic, trust the process, comes to mind when I type this. Looking through the evolution of my Instagram gives me a different sense of trust and acceptance of the process, of my process. Just another reason why I believe the power of this platform to be so fun and enlightening!

I have been taking my social media presence little by little to the next level and will continue to do so. I have big plans for self development and growth within my own journey with starting a new school, a new career journey, and moving into a new space that will allow for this growth to be amplified for my highest good. I’m taking these moments right now to grow and touch everyone I can possible by just being true to my authentic self. By showing up as confident in my own skin as I am confident in my own soul. I aspire to inspire and I can’t wait to continue growing and making a difference in any way that I can, for anyone that I can, in the most authentic way possible.

Be who YOU are & say what YOU feel

because those who mind don’t matter

& those who matter don’t mind

-Dr. Seuss

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